Friday, November 3, 2017

The Most Effective Use Of Time Right Now Part 2

Proactive vs. Reactive Work

Proactive work - concentrates on making things happen

  • Developing plans and schedules
  • Focusing on key tasks
  • Achieving deadlines & targets
  • Managing projects
Reactive work is based on dealing with the immediate and urgent issues that arrive usually in an uncontrolled manner.  The short-term focus leads to a perpetuation of the requirement for reactive work.

Why do we put things off instead of doing them?
  • A response to stress that accompanies difficult or challenging tasks
  • A habit that has formed over time
  • Poor or no prioritization
  • Poor or no planning 
The results of procrastination can be stated as:
  • Stress
  • Pressure
  • Crises
  • Continuous fire-fighting
  • Reduction in quality  
These are all excellent reasons for stopping procrastination, so when faced with a task, decide to deal with it according to one of the following actions:
  • Do it
  • Delegate it
  • Dump it
  • Deadline it
  • Dissect it  
If procrastination is having a negative impact on your personal productivity - take the following action points:
  • Take ownership of your own procrastination
  • Do something to get things moving
  • Remove the fear of failure from standing in the way of your effectiveness
  • Start today - right now!
Until next time...

Sheryl Tuchman, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

1 comment:

Built for Teams said...

This advice reminds me of the popular business title, "Eat that Frog!". That book was my first exposure to getting the hard things over with first and I generally find that it's great advice. I've worked in reactive offices before and it's typically very stressful. I'm all for proactive approaches!