Friday, November 3, 2017

The Most Effective Use Of Time Right Now Part 2

Proactive vs. Reactive Work

Proactive work - concentrates on making things happen

  • Developing plans and schedules
  • Focusing on key tasks
  • Achieving deadlines & targets
  • Managing projects
Reactive work is based on dealing with the immediate and urgent issues that arrive usually in an uncontrolled manner.  The short-term focus leads to a perpetuation of the requirement for reactive work.

Why do we put things off instead of doing them?
  • A response to stress that accompanies difficult or challenging tasks
  • A habit that has formed over time
  • Poor or no prioritization
  • Poor or no planning 
The results of procrastination can be stated as:
  • Stress
  • Pressure
  • Crises
  • Continuous fire-fighting
  • Reduction in quality  
These are all excellent reasons for stopping procrastination, so when faced with a task, decide to deal with it according to one of the following actions:
  • Do it
  • Delegate it
  • Dump it
  • Deadline it
  • Dissect it  
If procrastination is having a negative impact on your personal productivity - take the following action points:
  • Take ownership of your own procrastination
  • Do something to get things moving
  • Remove the fear of failure from standing in the way of your effectiveness
  • Start today - right now!
Until next time...

Sheryl Tuchman, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

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