Friday, March 27, 2020

Influencing People: Seeing the Other Side

The first step in influencing other people is entering their world. Set aside your own point of view, and look at the situation from another person’s perspective. Remember, each person is unique, and sees the world differently. You can’t always assume that what’s clear to you is clear to the people with whom you are talking.
In short, you have to be able to answer this question for them: “what’s in it for me?” Seeing the other side involves knowing what is important to the other person(s): their values, interests, and preferences. Do they have strong feelings against what you are pitching to them? What would it take to for them to get over their resistance? What are their characteristics, personality traits, social status, or professions that can you use in order to make your point more convincing? Research, active listening, and keen observation can help you in “seeing the other side.”

Until next time...


Sheryl Tuchman, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

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