Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Keeping Score on Organizational Goals 3

Step 2: Establish Units of Measure
  • Units of Measure are specific ways of knowing how you’re doing in each Key Result Area
  • They translate KRA’s into numbers
  • Quality is an example that must be converted into measures
  • There is not a single unit of measure for everyone 
As you develop your own team's measures, you should answer each of the following questions to ensure that you understand them and know how you personally contribute to them.
Criteria for Units of Measure:
  • Unit: How is the KRA measured?
  • Source: From where is the metric obtained?
  • Frequency: How often is it measured?
  • Feedback: How and to whom is it communicated? 
Example for a call center that is measuring average response time per call:
  • KRA: Response Time
  • Metric: Minutes on Hold
  • Source: Call Center
  • Frequency: Random: 20% of Calls
  • Feedback: Team, Manager, Trainer
Keep in mind that a team should not identify key result areas independently, but instead they should be decided within the context of the direction of the organization as a whole.  This sometimes means that a team's key result areas have already been prescribed by the larger organization.  If that is the case, it is still important for team members to understand and "own" them.

Until next time...

Sheryl Tuchman, SPHR, SHRM-SCP  

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