Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Your Happy Place

Go to Your Happy (Work) Space

No matter what steps we take towards happiness, if our workspace is uninspiring or depressing, it can bring us down. There are many simple steps you can take to create a workspace that promotes happiness. While you must keep in mind your organization's rules about workspaces as well as take into account any colleagues with whom you share space, you can personalize your space and make it part of your happiness plan.

Does your workspace make you happy? What steps could you take to improve it? Think about what changes you could make to create a happy space for yourself.

Build Your Support Team

Having a support team at work is key to success and happiness. A good support team is made up of people you can turn to for advice, help, feedback, or just a kind word. As you build relationships with your coworkers, consider who you want on your “support” team (and to whom you can offer support). You might include your manager or supervisor, people with whom you often collaborate or cooperate, and/or colleagues who you have built more personal relationships with. Check in with your team often.

Until next time ...

Sheryl Tuchman, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

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