Monday, May 16, 2022

Happiness: Wake Up Early Enough for Some “Me” Time

Getting enough sleep is important, but waking up early enough so that you have time to transition into your day can also help foster happiness. If you usually hit the ground running and leave the house with just enough time to make it to the office on time, you are likely starting your day feeling anxious. Waking up even 15 minutes earlier so that you can have some “me” time can help you ease into your day with a sense of centeredness instead of a sense of panic. Some people like to wake up very early and have an hour or more of “me” time while others just need an extra 10 or 15 minutes to linger over a cup of coffee or tea. Figure out what works for you.

Ways to Use Your “Me” Time:

• Read the newspaper or a passage from a book you are enjoying

• Pray or meditate

• Do some light stretching or yoga

• Linger over your coffee, tea, or breakfast

• Spend time stroking your pet

It’s important not to use your “me” time to get a head start on your work day by reading emails, working on projects, or checking voicemail.

Until next time ...

Sheryl Tuchman, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

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