We begrudge our adversities, wishing they would go away. Yet they do not. Rather, they keep coming at us in a seemingly unending series of challenges. Learning to understand our adversities and developing strategies for dealing with them effectively will help us to conquer life's challenging moments.
Conquering our key moments begins with awareness. Awareness could be thought of as the mental state in which we are conscious, awake, and paying attention to what is going on within and around us. Awareness is the state of being mentally: Alert -- Present -- Focused.
A "Key Moment" is a triggering event or situation which presents a challenge and elicits or demands a response. In order to overcome our key moments, we need to explore our beliefs, our interpretation of the events, our feelings, and our behavior. We can justify our behavior and blame others, or we can seek to understand ourselves and learn from our experiences. Our core beliefs are the root cause of the entire response chain. Shifting our core beliefs is the key to conquering our key moments.
Until next time...

Sheryl Tuchman, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
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