Friday, May 2, 2008

Training Process Steps

Did you know that there are five basic steps to any training process?

    1. Conduct a needs assessment to see what needs to be addressed. Without this step, your training dollars could be teaching your employees they already know or that isn’t applicable to them.
    2. Design the program. Determine the purpose or scope based on the findings from your needs assessment. How can you provide your employees with the greatest amount of applicable information throughout the training? How many sessions will be required? When and where will they be held? Who will facilitate?
    3. Develop materials. That includes everything from workbooks, handouts, and supplementary reading material to to the visual aids, games and exercises you choose to use. Remember to keep all of your materials cohesive for maximum impact. Make sure all of your information is up-to-date as well.
    4. Implement the training.
    5. Evaluate. How effective was the training? Have your employees used what they learned to better their job performance? If during this stage you find some discrepancies, this is when you make adjustments to improve the program for next time.

      Training is important to every company. We’re here to help in any way we can, so feel free to give us a call with any questions or concerns you may have.

    Until next time...

    Sheryl Tuchman

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